As frequent readers of this blog probably know, I've decided to dedicate 2014 to St. Josemaria Escriva. One of the ways I've been so doing is to read a bit from his three major works (
The Way,
The Furrow, and
The Forge) daily. These three books (all available in one edition!) contain short adages taken from from the saints letters or conversations. St. Josemaria was dedicated to living a life of holiness and to helping laymen (and lay women) do so in the midst of the world. He saw, before Vatican II, that the best way to renew the Church (and the Earth) was to call each and every Catholic to become a saint, to become "the-best-verison-of-himself," as Matthew Kelly puts it. Through these short writings, St. Josemaria encourages us to grow more like Christ, not just with a "WWJD" wristband, but by covering a wide array of issues that Catholics come into contact with in the modern world. His writings are perfect for the soundbite culture we inhabit. As this Friday is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (a holy day of obligation - so
get ye to Mass!), I thought I'd share a few one of his thoughts on the proper relationship a Catholic ought to have with Our Lady. As you read this short saying, ask yourself, "does this sound like
my relationship with Mary?" If not, ask yourself, "what can I do
today to improve that relationship?" Remember, Mary is our mother - Jesus gave her to all of us from the Cross (cf. Jn 19:27).
St. Josemaria, pray for us! |
We have to love the Blessed Virgin Mary more. We will never love her enough!
—Love her a lot! It shouldn’t be enough for you to put up pictures of her, and greet them, and say aspirations. You should learn to offer her, in your strenuous life, some small sacrifice each day, to show her your love, and to show her the kind of love that we want the whole human race to proclaim for her. (The Forge, #527)
If you've fallen out of touch with your earthly mother, give her a call today (few things would please Our Lady more, I suppose). If you've fallen out of touch with Mother Mary, pick up those old, unused rosary beads and give them a workout, even if you only manage one decade and can't remember any of the mysteries, just give her "a call". All mother's appreciate that!
Why the Rosary?
The rosary is a powerful spiritual weapon, one which many popes, including the recently sainted JP2, have called on Catholics time and again to return to in fidelity. It is a special way to contemplate the face of Christ with Mary, His mother (cf.
Rosarium Virginis Mariae, 3.) As St. Josemaria reminded us, in
The Way,
"The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you will be amazed at the results."
So, friends, say a prayer and be prepared to "be amazed."
God bless.
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