Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Laus Tibi Christe! A prayer of thanksgiving (pt 3)

Over the last couple days, in honor of Thanksgiving, we've been looking at some prayers of thanks that have been sanctified by long use in the Church - Non Nobis Domine and Te Deum Laudamus. Today I'd like to look at a couple of short prayers even more at the heart of who we are as Catholics, prayers that are a part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. These prayers can be used throughout the day to keep our hearts and minds with God - a practice much recommended by St. Francis de Sales in his classic work of spirituality, Introduction to the Devout Life.

Gloria Tibi Domine (Glory to you, O Lord)
This short prayer of praise and thanksgiving is said at Mass right before the reading of Gospel in response to the priests words, "Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum..." (The continuation of the holy Gospel, according to...). I've written more about how we use this prayer in our family HERE.

Laus Tibi Christe (Praise to you, Christ)
This prayer is said immediately following the Gospel reading and echos the Gloria tibi Domine.

Deo Gratias (Thanks be to God)
This prayer is used a couple of times at Mass, most notably at the end when the priest says, "Ite missa est" (Go, the Mass is ended).

Armed with these three short prayers of thanksgiving you can offer up praise to The Lord of Lords and King of Kings throughout the day. Doing so will help you to grow in both gratitude and holiness.

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