Monday, January 30, 2017

25 Dante Links from Around the Internet

If you are interested in Dante and his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, here are some must see websites:

Princeton Dante Project - read the entire Comedy in Italian and in Jean Hollander's excellent translation plus Dante's minor works.

Dartmouth Dante Project - "a searchable full-text database containing more than seventy on Dante's Divine Comedy."

Yale's Open Course on Dante - taught by Dante scholar Giuseppe Mazzotta

The Dante Society of America - of which I'm a proud member (but not so proud as to have to circle the first terrace of Purgatory for long!) - read the Divine Comedy in the original Italian, 3 English translations, German, and Finnish.

The World of Dante -  "a multi-media research tool intended to facilitate the study of the Divine Comedy.

Danteworlds - an interactive multimedia journey... through the three realms of the afterlife presented in Dante's Divine Comedy.

The Dante Museum in Florence - a museum in a reconstructed house on the spot where Dante lived before his exile. - a fun website with a variety of Dante related information, including a quiz on what circle of hell you'd end up in if you died today.

Renaissance Dante in Print - Dedicated to showcasing beautiful illuminated editions of the Divine Comedy from the Renaissance. - Join a discussion of the Divine Comedy online.

A Brief Timeline of Dante's Life

How Dante Saved My Life - an article by Rod Dreher relating the impact the Divine Comedy had on his life. - a Series of videos on the Divine Comedy featuring art from Gustav Dore.

Dante Alighieri Wikipedia Page - for a quick overview of the man, not for an authoritative account of his life or works. - A Listing of Works By or About Dante and his Works - Audio books on Dante and his Works

Posts from this Blog:

The "Blogging Through Hell" Series

An Inspirational Post, urging you to read Dante.

An article on the Three Advents of Christ in Dante's Divine Comedy.

Recommended Dante Reading List

Pope Francis' call to read the Divine Comedy.

Why Dante is a "Great Read for Lent."

Why Reading Dante is a great use of your time and effort.

A Limerick inspired from Dante's Hell written on a cold winter's day.

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